ISOKNOCK, the innovative duo of ISOxo and Knock2, have just unveiled their surprise debut album, 4EVR. This unexpected release underscores their intense ambition to reshape the future of dance music.
4EVR is an eight-track exploration of bold, runaway creativity. The collaborative album finds ISOKNOCK challenging electronic music norms by fusing intense trap beats, experimental production, and retro dance-pop with a punk rock perspective. This genre-crossing method produces an extraordinarily original album.
4EVR speaks to the current era, employing potent maximalism to connect with disenchanted youth. ISOKNOCK encourages their audience to face life’s difficulties head-on and express their true emotions, offering a strong sense of empowerment through their raw, moshpit-ready production. In a field often clouded by superficial positivity, ISOKNOCK stands out by disrupting mainstream dance music with their unique subversive style.
Photo credit: Evers Pund @ev.ers + Zach Okami @zachokami