Released on Tipsy Records, “Homesick,” combines the talents of two seasoned talents, Kayliox and Rachel Woznow. From the very start, the track has uplifting charm and positive energy that radiates from within. Packed full of hooks, the future house beat, thanks to Kayliox, paired with the pop sensibilities articulated through the vocal work of Rachel Woznow, is a head -urning combination that gets better with each passing listen.
Kayliox is a high driven electronic musician who has many accomplishments under his belt. With an education rooted in sound engineering, his experience and skillset has rendered him signings to labels like Dim Mak, Sony Music, Armada, Feature, Metanoia, and others. You may have come across some of his official remixes, some of the flips he’s been invited to create being for Melanie Martinez, Two Friends, and Tommie Sunshine. With millions of plays to his name and past performance stops in multiple continents, Kayliox has made himself a name in the public conscienceness.
The timbre of Rachel Woznow is captivating and distinctive – there’s plenty of examples that showcase just this, such as successful singles “Big & Loud, “Firestorm,” and many others. One of strongest strategic positions has been her ability to cross the worlds of electronic, pop, and mainstream culture, never falling too far in one category and thus aligning these fanbases under her brand.
Kayliox and Rachel Woznow’s collaboration was meant to be, “Homesick,” now immortalized forever on.