Two high-flying talents have teamed up for a song and video that simply cannot be missed. Multi-platinum talent Sorana has collaborated with the one and only David Guetta – also a Multi-platinum artist – for an Atlantic Records release titled ‘redruM.”
The name comes from the legendary Jack Nicklinson film The Shining and uniquely utilizes the melody from Kanye West’s ‘Heartless’ – with his permission – to create a unique sonic vibe that’s hard to put down. Guetta comes in slick with synth work that sticks to the brain and moving basslines that force the jaw to drop. Thematically, things are dark and twisted in this warped world brought to us by this collaborative duo.
Sorana shared more on the project:
“My debut single ‘redruM’ tells the story of two people falling in love with the same person…In the end, one will be happy in love and the other one will be heartbroken. In the lyrics, I compare the pain of heartbreak to a murder because in my experience, heartbreaks have been tough and hard to get over. The song is an ironic take on how people dramatically react to heartbreak. Love comes and goes so we might as well enjoy it while it lasts.”