Shöckface and ero808 Announce New Project 8Ö8 With The Release Of “QÜICKSAND”

A destined love couple separated during the first intergalactic war, 8Ö8 consists of singer- songwriter ero808 and ingenious producer Shöckface. The duo of High Sand Witches who love cookie dough and lean heavily on each other’s magic also brew each other’s cauldrons to create anthemic sonics and potions.

The love couple of Shöckface and ero808 have just decreed themselves the new High Sand Witches of the galaxy. The marriage of the High Sand Witches sets 8Ö8 in motion. Their debut decree states that ‘QÜICKSAND,’ will be given to all the witches in the galaxy. 8Ö8 orders all to “come fall into the quicksand, get lost in the chemicals.” QÜICKSAND offers a brief reprieve from needing to breathe and in turn keeps your heart enchanted. As the QÜICKSAND nears its most potent moment your mind is taken over by the High Witches’ wicked spells. Wicked spells slowly make you lose control of your body and make your body move to the high witches every command.




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