Paul van Dyk Awarded $12 Million in Damages for Near-Fatal Concert Fall | CULTR

Paul van Dyk Awarded $12 Million in Damages for Near-Fatal Concert Fall

Two years after tragically falling off the stage as ASOT 750, Paul van Dyk has been awarded a $12,588,643.45 judgment for medical bills and past and future lost profits. ALDA Events B.V. paid the damages as they were the events company behind ASOT 750.

In the order, it stated that ALDA did not design the stage to be safe to stand on. They even admitted the front area was not safe but gave no warning to the DJ prior to his show. They allegedly never told him it was unsafe or verbally warned him, despite knowing he had a rowdy set.

Due to the incident, Paul van Dyk suffered serious damage to his spine along with a severe brain injury. He stated; “The fact that I’m still alive is a miracle”.