Don Diablo is no stranger to using his platform and music to support meaningful and well-deserved causes. His ‘Better Future Tour’ was in support of the Dutch Cancer Society and he teamed up with Hilda for charity release “Wake Me When It’s Quiet” as a result of Avicii’s passing. This time he’s used his platform to shed light on the rising number of missing children in Romania during a set at Untold Music Festival.
Year on year the country has seen an increase in children under the age of 18 going missing. While some do runaway, it’s impossible to know for the families of many. The recent tragic case of Alexandra Macesanu, the girl Don Diablo showed on the screen was has rocked the nation.

15-year-old Alexandra Macesanu, was abducted and locked up in a basement. Despite managing to call the Romanian police on three occasions during her captivity. It took local authorities 19 hours to reach the location she was calling from.
When they finally arrived, they were too late. Her heartbroken parents revealed during the calls, she had asked for them to wait on the line while the police came, but they told her they had other calls.

The arrest lead to the assailant admitting to killing another young girl (18) who was also known to be missing. Romanian’s were enraged to learn the details of the case the public have held several protests since the incident. Several politicians to resigned as a result, causing a new focus on the crisis.