With the feverish hype of the forthcoming Playstation 5 launch, there’s no time greater than now tune in to this official podcast from Sony. From the team behind the PlayStation.Blog, the Official PlayStation Podcast showcases the latest news from the world of PlayStation and the biggest games available on the console, it includes exclusive stories about how the most hyped games were made and plenty more for any avid gamer to get lost in.
With the PS5 game, reveal – and fingers crossed console reveal happening this coming week, this official podcast will keep you up to date with all the news you need to know. There will no doubt be a wave of new announcements and PlayStation news included on the new episodes as we come up to the holiday PS5 launch and beyond.
The episodes usually run for an hour but some special interviews are a little shorter and some episodes go for almost 2 hours. It typically drops weekly new episodes depending on what they have to share with the world. The long-running podcast is no newcomer jumping on the rise of Podcasts, it’s one of the early players and started way back in 2011, sharing its 366th episode.
The show gives listeners a unique insight into the inner workings of one of the biggest consoles in the world with special guests that range from award-winning game designers to top-charting studio heads, the PlayStation podcast takes you through every area of the console world. Shows include special interviews from behind the scenes figures as well as interesting perspectives and game selections from the hosts. There are special mini-series within the podcast as well as anniversary episodes which look back on some of the greatest games on Playstation.
In their latest episode, #366, they discuss the new The Last Of Us 2 gameplay as well as an interview together with Scott Amos, head of Crystal Dynamics, who is soon to release The Avengers game. In previous episodes, they discuss the Final Fantasy Remake, the Resident Evil Remake and interviews with the likes of Marvel’s Iron Man VR Director, Ryan Payton, Playstations Head OF Worldwide Studio’s Herman Hulst and Sean Velasco of Yacht Club Games.