“Drifting Away,” originally done by Scafetta and Grisly, has received a sweet and salty flip from the likes of two friends and talents Space Race and GAINCHANGER. From tip to tail, the remix here is down right fun, featuring dark riddim at some spots while going lighter at other moments with synth pad inclusions and melodic breaks. Each of the 4 artist’s input, who have a part of them in the music, can be felt at one time or another, a difficult feat to capture for the remixers responsible. “Drifting Away (Space Race x GAINCHANGER Remix),” has it’s own vibe that makes it stand out, building upon what the original brought to the table nicely.
Boasting millions of plays and having played shows across the country, Space Race has plenty of momentum under his wing. The original and remix has released on his own label called BASSCVLT, which has been home to plenty of memorable releases and will undoubtedly be home to even more in the future.
GAINCHANGER has had his own streak of successes worth noting. Virtual Riot, Barely Alive, Dubloadz, Quix, Eptic, Oolacile, Whipped Cream, YehMe2 are all names he’s opened up for. He’s done music under different alias and is currently putting all his eggs in one basket career-wise – reaping positive benefits from it. He’s enrolled at Defyre Society and the future is 100% looking bright for this guy.
Here the well-balanced remix in full below.