Ten Hawkins Unleashes Defining Album In ‘The Manuel Garcia Chronicles’

Ten Hawkins, hailing from the quiet town of Saluda, South Carolina, has always marched to the beat of his own drum, a trait evident in his latest album, The Manuel Garcia Chronicles. This album is a personal odyssey that paints a vivid picture of his life and lineage.

Growing up, Hawkins was steeped in a rich musical heritage. The sounds of 69 Boyz, Uncle Luke, R. Kelly, Michael Jackson, 2Pac, Biggie, and DMX were not just background noise but the soundtrack of his childhood. These influences, coupled with his mother’s support, catalyzed his early forays into music, leading him to craft his first rap verses as early as the third grade.

Hawkins’ journey through music has been a relentless pursuit of authenticity and growth. His earlier works, such as “Too Busy Standing Out” and “Heart Collage”, showcase his evolving artistry, with each album carving out a new facet of his musical identity. His 2019 release, “Inspired By You”, marked a significant shift, delving into more introspective and personal themes.

The Manuel Garcia Chronicles stands as a pinnacle of this evolution. In this album, Hawkins weaves a narrative that intertwines his experiences with those of his father, creating a dimension rich in emotion and history. This project is a deep, introspective look into Hawkins’ life, offering listeners a chance to understand the man behind the music.

This album is a journey through the chapters of Hawkins’ life. With its rich soundscapes and masterful lyricism, this album invites listeners to explore the depths of Hawkins’ artistry and experience the world through his eyes.




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