Vicetone, a duo of musicians hailing from the Netherlands and currently residing in the United States, have recently released a fresh track entitled “Dopamine Junkie.” An easy to enjoy tune, its essence lies in its tribute to the universal experience of becoming lost in the sensation of the perfect song.
The song commences with an introductory segment featuring a guitar instrumental, which serves as a preface to the forthcoming melodies and rhythms that undulate and sway with ease. The track’s emotive vocals provide a complementary and harmonious touch, culminating in an upbeat anthem that’s well-suited for the summer festival season. The piece showcases the vocal talents of Ben Samama, an accomplished singer-songwriter based in Los Angeles.
“This record is all about that rush or dopamine that overcomes you when the drop hits just right. Our goal was to have the melodies constantly entrancing you all throughout the song. We love the combination of the bassline, guitars, piano, and vocals to make a very groovy yet still Vicetone-sounding dance record.”
– Vicetone
In addition to the newly-released track, Vicetone offers a glimpse of their upcoming 4-track EP, scheduled for release this summer. They’ll support this EP with a Global EP-themed tour, making for an exciting musical experience. Listeners can expect the official release date to be announced soon. The new album will be called Departing Reality.